Animal Success Stories
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We’ve had Honey for a month now, and I wanted to take a minute to let you know that she is doing great in her new home. She is a really good little dog. She and her new dog sister Jones are the best of friends and love to wrestle and play. House training is going really good, too. She is a fast learner. Next is an obedience class – mostly for my training, so that I can train her effectively. She and the cats are getting to know each other. Some days they are friends – other days not so much. It’s a work in progress. And the last attached photo is from her recent trip to the Emergency Vet. It never dawned on me that a bone would get stuck around her jaw. Apparently it happens quiet frequently. No more real bones in the house – rawhides or dental chews only! (Expensive) lesson learned. Feel free to share/post any of these photos. Even the one with the bone. We love her tons and now cannot imagine the house without her. I’m so glad we found her. Thank you for taking care of her until I did. J Anne & Deron


Here is a current picture of Maisy (Harley). She has grown into a 50 pound dog. She is equal parts energetic and lazy. In this picture she decided that she likes our three year old's new big boy bed. In her spare time, she enjoys laying in the sunshine, pestering out cat, and acting like a sibling to our three year old son in all the good and rough ways. :)

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